Transcomplex Ecoformation. A New Space to Be, Do and Think: Today's Manager Challenge



Transcomplex eco-formation, A new space to be, do and think, Today's manager's challenge.


To constitute requires actions, attitudes, deeply embedded in values in order to be able to “sow”, “cultivate” them in the other, called formation, so that, as a good fertile seed, these actions bear fruit positively producing active, healthy, critical members, agents of change of a society. In the times of chaos, crisis, uncertainty, unconsciousness and social indifference that pass, based on approaches related to Educational management, the ability of future generations to live in a different relationship with nature and with other people must be guaranteed to educational and social improvement. This purpose transcomplex eco-formation. A new space to be, do and think: today's manager's challenge, represents one of the ways that can contribute to the construction of a society, from the correct direction of educators. It is in this context, the teaching manager, as an active subject, who directs the process, requires the appropriation of eco-training in order to open spaces to promote this purpose, from the context where he carries out his professional work, for which it is necessary to resize through the transepistemic, investigative and social way, from the perspective of the different edges. Precisely, this essay, directed by the authors, has within its priorities the development of this trans-complex eco-formation of an environmentalist culture within the educational system, for which the subject is approached from a qualitative methodology through a dialectical hermeneutical method, because the reality to study is characterized by being transcomplex and reflective. From this perspective, knowledge is produced by finding a foothold in the interaction between the writers and the object of study, both co-producing in a dynamic, dialogical and recursive way, as Martínez, M. well maintains. The sources of information will be scientific articles and Research by authors recognized for their trajectory as trainers and teachers and who have had the experience of managing transcomplex eco-training as a new space to be, do and think: today's manager's challenge.

Author Biographies

José Rafael Abreu Fuentes, PhD, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste del Estado Sucre (UPTOES)

José Rafael Abreu Fuentes: Bachelor of Education with a mention in Spanish and Literature from the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), Magister in Management from the Universidad de Sancti Spiritus "José Martí" (UNISS), PhD in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC), international and national publications. Author of the Book: Transformational Leadership in University Education Sustained in Information and Communication Technology, Research professor at the Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre "Clodosbaldo Russian" (UPTOS), Cumaná.

Carmen Margarita Marín Gomez, PhD., Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Profesora en educación integral, (UPEL) Especialista en Educación, mención Dificultad para el Aprendizaje (UPEL), Especialista en Docencia en Educación Básica (UPEL) Magíster: Mención: Orientación De La Conducta de la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ). Mención: Psiquiatría Y Salud Mental. (LUZ) Doctora en Ciencias De La Educación. (ULAC). Autora de diversas publicaciones en revistas científicas y en memorias de eventos académicos nacionales e internacionales.



How to Cite

Abreu Fuentes, J. R., & Marín Gomez, C. M. (2020). Transcomplex Ecoformation. A New Space to Be, Do and Think: Today’s Manager Challenge. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 1(2), 295-323. Retrieved from

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