Las Organizations as a Fundamental Pillar for Organizational Development since the Ages: Classical, Neoclassical and Information



Organizations, Organizational Development, Evolution of Administrative Thought


The purpose of the essay directs its efforts to the description of organizations as a fundamental pillar for organizational development since the eras: classical, neoclassical and information; Through an updated vision on the contributions and contributions that have fostered the theories and focus on the currents of administrative and management thought during the 20th century and what is happening in this new millennium; as those key components that are constituted as organizational resources and capacities to stimulate organizational development from different areas and strategic, tactical and operational areas, depending on the reason for being of each one and the sector to which they belong. The method applied for critical analysis is based on the documentary, through a systematic review of the literature for the understanding and interpretation of the information. The result of the referential count consulted helped to reveal how these transformations have been a key factor for the strategic direction for organizational success

Author Biographies

José Rafael Abreu Fuentes, PhD, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste del Estado Sucre (UPTOES)

Degree in Education, mention in Spanish and Literature from the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), Master in Management from the Universidad de Sancti Spiritus “José Martí” (UNISS), PhD in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC), international and national publications. Author of the Book: Transformational Leadership in University Education Supported by Information and Communication Technology, Research professor at the Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre "Clodosbaldo Russian" (UPTOS), Cumaná Venezuela

Carmen Margarita Marín Gomez, PhD., Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Professor in integral education, (UPEL) Specialist in Education, mention Difficulty for Learning (UPEL), Specialist in Teaching in Basic Education (UPEL) Master: Mention: Orientation Of The Conduct of the University of Zulia (LUZ). Mention: Psychiatry and Mental Health. (LUZ) Doctor of Educational Sciences. (ULAC). Author of various publications in scientific journals and in memoirs of national and international academic events.

Nelson Antonio Fuenmayor Ramírez, PhD., Universidad Yacambú (UNY)

Nelson Antonio Fuenmayor Ramírez, Geologist. Eastern University. (UDO), Master in Finance and Business Management, Yacambú University (UNY), Doctor of Management, Yacambú University (UNY). Graduated from the Doctoral Studies Program in Management of Transcomplex Organizations. (UNY)

Derkis Enrique Arévalo Molina,PhD., Universidad Yacambú (UNY)

Higher Technician in Business Administration, University Institute of Industrial Administration Technology (IUTA), Bachelor of Administration, mention in Material and Financial Resources. National Experimental University "Simón Rodríguez" (UNESR), Master in Finance and Business Management. Yacambú University (UNY), Doctor of Management, Yacambú University (UNY). Graduated from the Doctoral Studies Program in Management of Transcomplex Organizations. (UNY).



How to Cite

Abreu Fuentes, J. R., Marín Gomez, C. M., Fuenmayor Ramírez, N. A., & Arévalo Molina, D. E. (2020). Las Organizations as a Fundamental Pillar for Organizational Development since the Ages: Classical, Neoclassical and Information. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 1(2), 358-371. Retrieved from

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