Managing public investment as a mechanism for growth and development: a managerial approach



Management, Public investment, Growth, Development, Managerial approach


The objective of the article was focused on theoretically analyzing the management of public investment as a mechanism for growth and development from a managerial approach. The methodological approach was qualitative aligned with the sociocritical paradigm, using the methods, inductive and analysis-synthesis, it was materialized under a documentary investigation through a systematic review of the literature with referential and bibliographic arches of descriptive level, by authors such as Romer (1986); Lucas (1988); Barro (1990) and Aschauer (1989). The findings demonstrate that the management of public investment is a guiding perspective in subnational governments that provides an orderly, effective, efficient process on the resources that are destined to the capitalization of works of collective interest to boost economic development, creating sources of direct and indirect jobs, promoting sustained and sustainable growth of regions and localities, therefore, of the country.

Author Biography

Nelson Antonio Fuenmayor Ramírez, PhD., Universidad Yacambú

Geólogo. Universidad de Oriente (UDO), Magister en Gerencia de las Finanzas y de los Negocios. Universidad Yacambú (UNY), Doctor en Gerencia. Universidad Yacambú. (UNY) . Estudios Postdoctorales en Gerencia de las Organizaciones Transcomplejas. Universidad Yacambú (UNY)



How to Cite

Fuenmayor Ramírez, N. A. (2022). Managing public investment as a mechanism for growth and development: a managerial approach. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 3(1), 77-98. Retrieved from